What is a retrofitted machine?
It is a machine that has been completely disassembled, power washed with steam lance, revealing all its defects and reassembled as if it were a new machine.
How is it rebuilt?
It is reassembled with new parts: new bearings, new electric motors, new hydraulic system, new electrical system, new shafts, new spindles, new screws, new screw nuts. The machine is like new. But more is technically updated. For example, in a peeler, the brake/gearbox/clutch assembly is removed and an inverter is installed So that it can do all the previous functions even better and prevent parts from getting eaten up while working and require assistance in the future. The counter-blade is replaced with a new chromed and tempered one to be durable over time. The new screws are cemented and straightened to be resistant over the years. All this meaning that it is more technological and functional than how it was originally.
They have a 12-months warranty on parts
and have user and maintenance manuals.
For information and availability you can contact us by phone or email:
Valter Brignoli
+39 335.6092529